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Event Page Plugin How to Make It Work

Create a page, category page, or post on your WordPress blog that lists all your sorted events.

Event Page Plugin How to Make It Work

To create a page that houses your events follow these steps:

  • Navigate to your WordPress blog’s theme folder which should be found in /wp-content/themes/the-name-of-your-theme
  • You’ll need to create a new template file entitled “events.php”
    • To do this copy your file entitled page.php and name it events.php.
    • Place the code in “Example 1” on the first line of the file.
    • Remove the code that prints the page content and replace it with the code in “Example 2”.
    • Upload the new file to the server.
  • Now you’ll need to create a new page which you can title whatever you like.
  • Assign this page to the template entitled “Events”
  • Remember to alter your Event Page settings to reflect the new name of this page. Seesettings.
  • That should be it. View the page and you should see the Event Page in its moderately useful glory!

Example 1

Template Name: Events

Example 2

To implement this plugin you only need two lines of code. See below:


The first line of code initializes the plugin’s class. The second line of code prints your events to the page.

Event Page Plugin How to Make It Work

Create a page, category page, or post on your WordPress blog that lists all your sorted events.

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